
We just returned from our family doctor, no test results were a concern, he basically feels all of the nausea is from pain meds. All the blood and urine analysis results were ok, her SED rate and liver enzymes were quite elevated but this is not uncommon after surgery. Holly is still naueated but less each day, she has not had a pain pill since Sunday and one nausea med Tuesday night. Other than that she is drug free. Slowly cleaning her system out seems to be helping with eliminating the nausea.

I just wonder where she would be in her recovery if she had not spent two weeks puking from pain pills. That took all of her energy which should have been used to heal and gain strength. I feel so sorry for her, I just think about the first few days in the hospital and Holly having endless dry heaves, and if that could have been avoided by changing the pain meds...

1 comment:

catwoman said...

holly and courtney so glad to hear the blood and urine samples were fine.praise the lord its also great that your not taking pain meds .you sure dont need to take pain meds that cause you nausea.so glad to hear you have benn eating good .thats what will give you your strenth back we continue to keep you all in our thoughts hearts and in our prayers hang in there holly seems like things are looking up for you and its about time . linda and donny arnold bowling green kentucky ps try to have a wonderful 4th of july!

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