
Again another late night blog. Sorry it is so late. Today was about like yesterday, Holly is still feeling sort of blah and does not have alot of energy. I think she is still feeling the effects of overdoing it on Sunday. Obviously in a slow healing process one has to pace themself, but it is so hard when they finally feel better to not do too much. This morning she took a shower, she put on makeup for the first time post-op, we drove around town and I ran into a couple of stores to get stuff (she stayed in the car) and she enjoyed getting out of the house. But that alone wore her out and she took a three hour nap this afternoon.

I have to go to Gainesville tomorrow for my masters student's thesis defense. So I will be gone for a long day and there will be bunch of family and friends here to keep her drinking and eating and exercising while I travel up the state and back. She says she is nervous to have me away for part of a day.

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