
Hi Bloggers! I returned to Gainesville on June 10 for a two year follow-up appointment with Dr.Hoh, my neurosugeon. The visit consisted of a CT scan and CT with contrast. The report was perfect. The clip is exactly where it is suppose to be and no new aneurysms reported. I was released for two years and will return at 4 years post-op. I am learning my "new" normal and realize that I can not do things exactly like before surgery. I fatique much easier and struggle with bouts of depression but Dr.Hoh says these are effects from the surgery and he does not know why some suffer these effects more than others. Oh well, I am alive and kicking so Thank God for that.

SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER!!! It is so great to have all of my kids home for the summer. I did not realize how much I miss having Spencer and Sydney around during the day and Brogan is especially glad to have them. I think I am a little boring for him :)

Have a great summer!!