
1 PM

Well the nausea persists... She is not vomiting but is nauseated and food sounds horrible. I am making sure she is hydrated and eating what ever I can get her to eat. We have been reading about nausea after a craniotomy on the internet and it is quite common. I pray it ends soon. She is weak and has lost 17 pounds in 19 days. Not the way anyone wants to loose weight.

She is also experiencing some insomnia. Again one of the side effects of a craniotomy which has been magnified by taking fioricet. She has only had three fioricet pain pills in two days. I dont think that it is proper to not take pain meds when in pain but she says anything including pain is better than nausea.

Other side effects include hearing swishing in the head, a thumping or tapping noise in the head, jaw pain and an inability to open her mouth as far as before. She is also experiencing what are called the heebie jeebies, or random firing of nerves in her head which cause twitches and shooting minor pain sensations. The area of the scull which was removed is also really itchy but when she scratches it she cant feel her fingers touch it. All of these are common side effects and usually dissipate with time and are caused by the nerves reattaching and reactivating. These definately cause stress and crazy worrisome thoughts.

Please pray she can get over the nausea and be able to eat so she can regain her strength, also pray for the insomnia to cease, and the side effects to go away soon. Please pray for my endurance and patience to care for Holly and the kids.


Holly wanted me to express that my last blogs were not very accurate. I actually made them sound too nice, she wanted you all to know that Friday and Saturday were her worst days since the two after surgery. That is how bad they were.

Basically she had narked her bowels with narcotics and the buildup of poop was toxic and caused EXTREME nausea. She was hours from having to go to the emergency room. However, she was officially able to blow the toilet up and she feels much better today. Now it is strength building time.


We just finished Spencer's 6th birthday party at the skating rink. Holly made it through half of it before she had to have Sandy drive her home. Her bowels are officially completely cleaned out. Sorry about all the poop and puke blogs, maybe that worry is over. The doc says within a couple of days she should feel much better. She was 24 hours from having to go to the hospital because of the toxins accumulated in her and her inability to get them out.

She has not had pain meds in two days or nights, she just refuses. I think she needs them especially at night but she does not want to go through what she did the last two days. She does have a high pain tolerance.

Now it is time to gain strength every day. Her recovery has basically been delayed by so many ill effects of meds. Hopefully that is behind us.


5 PM

Three poops and two pukes since noon. It has been the worst day since we were discharged from the hospital. I think she will feel better when she gets rid of all the toxins in her body.
12:30 PM

Holly went through the night without pain meds. She moaned a few times but forced herself to go back to sleep. She said she was done with pain meds. Five laxatives and an enema and not much poop yet. The doc gave her other suggestions we are working on. She is really clogged up. I suppose when it gets flowing look out.

We just gave her a fioricet to releave her head pain, she is tough but she gave in and took one, still definately still needs pain meds, she is still nauseated but not puking. She says all she would have to do is stand over the toilet and look down and she could puke. She is not hungry at all we are having to force her to eat soft foods.

The doc says this is all from not pooping, so we will be patient and let the laxatives work. The toxins from all the meds are built up in her system and cant escape without pooping. I hope my next blog will report massive flowing poop. Sorry about all of this poop and puke talk but I feel so sorry for Holly.


Well yesterday late afternoon Dr. Hoh prescribed lortab for pain to replace the fioricet. Surprise surprise, this morning Holly woke up and started puking again. She then had to take anti nausea meds and she slept all day, it makes her so groggy I have trouble waking her up even shaking her. I am getting frustrated, it seems like since surgery the only troubles we have had are related to the medicines she has to take. Percocet and lortab make her puke, anti nausea meds either dont work or make her drowsy, fioricet makes her hyper and gives insomnia. So I called the doc again, I spoke to his PA, she said she believes Holly is impacted from the pain meds and this could become serious. So Holly is now trying two over the counter meds to make her poop again. So far no success. The PA said it is critical that she poops by tomorrow and I am to call and inform her tomorrow. So my question to her was what do I give Holly for pain when she goes to bed. Her answer was give her benedryl or tylenol PM and 30 minutes later give her the fioricet to take care of the pain and hopefully the sleep aids will counteract the caffeine in the fioricet. My bathroom looks like a pharmacy! I think this blog is turning into a listing of side effects of drugs and how they all are preventing Holly from just sleeping and healing. Since surgery I have been reporting about giving her drugs and more drugs to counteract the other drug and then give another drug to counteract that drug and ...

I am getting frustrated with drugs and their dang side effects. Why cant we just simply control the pain so she can sleep and heal. Please pray for all of these side effects to end and for the need for pain meds to end asap! Remember Holly is a tough one with a high pain tolerance, she had all three kids all natural with no pain meds. I guarantee if she says her head hurts that it is not a minor pain, but luckily the pain is mostly at night when she is lying down.


I know you all are waiting for Holly's first profound blog. She is a little upset with me that I put so much pressure on her. Thus you will have to wait. You are going to get more blogging from me for a while.

Holly did over do yesterday. She went to bed with a bad headache and took a fioricet. She is having trouble sleeping at night and even during the day since she has been taking fioricet. Interesting when I looked it up on drugs.com that it has caffeine in it. Holly has never been a big caffeine person. Anyway the insomnia she has had is due to the caffeine in the pain meds. So at midnight last night she took a percocet so she could get rid of the headache and sleep, against Sandy and my recommendation. Guess what, mild nausea has returned. Proof the nausea is from that darn percocet. I just called the doc to get something without caffeine to control the pain, they will call me back. Strange how all these meds are needed to control pain and they all have side effects hampering the healing process.

Holly is also really tired today, she definitely over did yesterday. Once she went to sleep last night she slept until 12:30 this afternoon. She is still really weak. She will take it easy today and rest, Dr. Ohs' orders.


Holly had the staples and sutures removed today. It turns out that is was actually 39 staples and 8 sutures. I had counted 37 but there were a couple hidden under the old scab. She said it did not even hurt to get the staples removed.

She has been up almost the entire day, I feel she has over done and hopefully won't feel it tomorrow. Today was Spencer's 6th birthday, we had a little party with family and Aunt Sandy made him the coolest pirate cake ever.


Holly had a very good day yesterday and great morning today. NO MORE NAUSEA!!! Amazing what giving her a different pain med will do. She was better within a few hours. She has not needed anti-nausea meds since changing pain meds. It is amazing how many of you have responded that percocet makes you nauseated as well, it does not do that to me but everyone is different. Holly is sitting up for extended periods and is doing really well, now the next step is for her to gain her strength back. She has walked around our cul-de-sac (six houses) and then she is spent. She needs to build energy and I see this will be a gradual process.

Holly will get her staples out tomorrow afternoon. The incision is not going to be noticeable after it heals, even if it was not above her hair line. It is a very clean incision which should heal into a little white line.

Holly will take over the blogging soon. She says she wants her first blog to be something profound. I think she is still figuring out what her profound first entry will be. Stay tuned.


Hey all. I skipped blogging yesterday because Holly sat up until midnight and watched a movie with me and Sandy. Yesterday morning the nausea was still there, Holly missed her middle of the night anti nausea med. We slept through the night and didnt get it taken. Anyway when she woke up with nausea I had had enough, I called the doctor, told him the situation and he finally changed the percocet to fioricet and scribed more anti nausea meds. Holly took the first fioricet and had no pain and the nausea was GONE!!! She has NOT had nausea since. The doctors all said they thought that the nausea was from the anesthesia and mass dosages of narcotic pain meds, but this on call doctor said that 10 days post-op he is becoming suspicious it is simply the percocet. Finally, nausea relief!!! Praise God!

So yesterday she sat up for four hours non-stop and watched a movie in the afternoon, she ate three decent sized meals, and then stayed up late and watched another movie. The best day thus far!

This morning I took the kids to church and she and Sandy slept in late. Holly woke up and ate a good breakfast and refused to take anti-nausea meds or pain meds, she said, "I dont need them". So she is sitting up now and watching cartoons with the kids! She is acting like a new person, the persistent nausea was slowing the healing process.

The sermon today covered several verses but the main focus was on James 1: 2-8 which is about tests of faith and how God uses them to mature us.

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

This has definately been a test of faith. God led Holly to find out about the aneurysm, to find the proper doctor, to have the surgery and have it be a success, to arrange perfectly everyone to care for Holly, every little detail of the entire process God was and is there. We have all had tests of faith and will have more in the future, but this one has been the first major one where I had absolutely no ability to do anything about it other than give it all to God. God took care of everything, even the little details that we ourselves had not anticipated. God is Great!


Holly has again had a very good day. Her best day post-op. Still has alot of pain, we figure the tissues are healing and are causing it. She ate pretty good today and the nausea is still there but is under control. She has been up several times today and done some walking. A very good day! Praise God!
I know you are all curious as to what the incision looks like. For those of you interested scroll to the bottom of the page. They shaved very little hair and the scar will be covered when the hair grows back.


9:05 PM

Holly said today was her best day post-op. She still needs anti-nausea meds, I hope this ends soon... We reduced the dosage by half and she is not as drowsy today and the nausea has been under control. She ate three small meals and held them down all day. She complained of pain about every 3 hours, this was different from the past three days because she has not taken many pain pills compared to what was prescribed. The doc had prescribed to take 1 or 2 percocet (325 mg) every 4 to 6 hours or as needed. She has probably taken 10 total the first two days at home, but today she needed them more frequently than the previous two days. I will say that she did push herself a little today and sat up for 2+ hours this morning and came outside and watched the neighborhood kids play out front for about an hour this afternoon. Tonight she spiked a fever again, today it was 100.6, not to the 101 call the doctor level, but too close. I read about fever after a craniotomy online and many sites said a fever of 101.5 and others said a consistent fever above 101 is when you should contact a doc. So I guess I will just monitor it and pray it will not go any higher.

I just want to thank you all for loving Holly and checking out this blog to see how she is doing. I have to say I am surprised by the number of people who visit the blog daily. We find great comfort in knowing there are so many of you out there caring, loving, and praying for her and us. We are also humbled and very greatful for the outpooring of love from those of you locally who have helped with child care and provided all the wonderful meals. God bless you all!


10:35 PM

Today began with her feeling pretty good, then she ate oatmeal and an ensure and it stayed down two minutes. The pesky old nausea was back. Started anti nausea meds again, she slept, ate a few bites today. I am not sure, I spoke to a friend who is a pharmacist and he confirmed the statement of the doctor that this is from all the mix of narcotics she has had, he said it should pass when they are out of her system. He did mention that he would give it one more day and ask the doctor for another pain med, he would change percocet for dilotid. I think I will call tomorrow at the first sign of nausea and ask for another pain med. She still needs to take pain meds about every six hours, the pain is not extreme but it is enough to want it to end. She had a fever again this evening of 100.3, we assume it is from the trauma to her body. I will ask tomorrow when I call but they were clear to not worry until it is over 101 and a low temp is normal. After all of this Holly did say today she felt better than other days. Go figure.

Please pray for the nausea to end!


11:15 PM

Sorry I have been slow blogging today. I want to give at least a daily update. Today has been much better. The new nausea medicine she took yesterday helped dramatically with the nausea but has a side effect of drowsiness. So I had to wake her up regularly today to exercise and eat. She was really groggy. We walked up the street a few driveways and back twice today. She is still not hungry but ate three meals, about a fouth of what she would normally eat, but she ate and did not have nausea. I have felt so sorry for her, she has never had nausea even close to this level before. She never had morning sickness with pregnancies so she doesnt know how this would compare.

Today was the first day she could get the incision wet so she took a shower and then I helped clean some of the gunk from her hair and dried blood from around the incision. It looks much better. I think the doctor used neosporin as a hair gel to push her unshaven hair back away from her forehead and then it dried. It will take a while to get it all out. She had a fever of 100.5 tonight but it went back down. We are to call the doc if it exceeds 101. Please pray for continued protection from infection.

I certainly see that the recovery is going to be a slow steady process and it is going to take time to get back to normal. Before surgery, the doc said to expect about a month to be back to normal, I now see that it could take that long. This is nothing compared to if it had ruptured though. We were also told that the brain would do weird things in healing, she has experienced the first weird sensations today. Nerves fire and send tingling sensations down her face, neck, and her fingers feel tingly sometimes. She is also hearing some sloshing noises in her head. This too we were told may occur but will go away with time. Please pray for continued healing over the next weeks and for these sensations to be minimal and not last for a long time.


10:30 PM

Holly still had nausea today, I called the doctor and spoke to his PA. She said that sometimes they have patients complain of the worse nausea they have ever had after surgery, the kind of nausea that makes one cracker in your mouth seem to grow to ten and you cant swallow it then. She said it is definately due to the combo of narcotics she has had and everyone reacts differently, it has nothing to do with the brain and the surgery. I requested a different anti nausea medicine and she said we would have to see a local doc to get a script because she wanted her to be checked out. Actually, she wanted to free herself from liability but no problem we understand. Our family physician gave Holly a new medicine and it helped almost instantly. She has eaten soup and rice pudding for dinner and has been up for a couple of hours and just gone back to bed. I think she slept for well over 24 of 36 hours since we have arrived at home. Today I took her brother Freeman to the airport then picked up sister in law Sandy from Alaska. She is going to be here for two weeks to help with Holly and the kids. What a blessing.


4:45 PM

Holly was discharged by the doc at 7:30 AM but we didnt get the actual papers until 12PM. We hit the road, nausea hit hard one time, then she slept all the way home. She said hello to the kids and is now sleeping. We arrived home about 3:30 PM. I am glad to be home, Holly was apprehensive to being away from the doctors. Hopefully we can keep it quiet around here for a few days and she can catch up on sleep.


6:45 PM

Holly slept for 3 hours and then we walked around the hallway, she did really well. She just ate about half of some mystery meat loaf, mash naters, green beans, waldorf salad, and apple pie. She is talking to the kids right now and we have been waiting for the doc all afternoon. I dont know if he will still show up tonight and if we will consider being discharged tonight if he offers, or if it will be tomorrow morning. She is much improved and ready to go. She is definately going to need lots of rest for several weeks, she is going to sleep alot and fatique easy but she is not going to have to worry about the pesky annie in her head.

Again I just want to express my sincere thank you for all of your love, prayers, and support in so many ways. We are very grateful.

Holly had a little fried chicken, a few spoonfuls of mash naters, some jello fruit salad, two ensures, and a few bites of chocolate cake. Still no movement so the doc just gave her the sure fire you are going to poop treatment. I assume he will discharge later today because the treatment is successful as I type and laugh. Holly and her room mate and I have been getting a good laugh out of this one. If discharge is not today I feel it will definately be tomorrow. She feels less nausea but it is still there, definately an improvement and she has been in good humor. I am not certain how she will be handle the 3 hour drive home but I guess she can lay back and sleep. I know she will sleep better at home because they are in the room every half hour or so and waking her for some purpose.
10 AM

Holly was nauseated all night, she stopped heaving but felt like she could at any moment. She didnt follow my directions and eat crackers all night, she ate two. I arrived at 8 AM and she had already walked to the other hall (at least a distance of a block or more) and taken a shower and returned. She is still VERY nauseated. The doctor was in this morning and will be back this afternoon, I think they want to release her but she has to eat. He ordered something to get the old pooper going again and he said lots of times this will activate the rest of the digestive system. She ate a half of a large fruit bowl. She just has to get past this nausea, physically she is doing really well, the problem is she is having side effects from taking so much percocet.


5:30 PM

Well today is the nausea day. We switched pain meds but I understand it can take a few days to flush it all out because she has had so much the last two days. She had a little chicken noodle soup, a few crackers and two ginger ales. Not enough to make her feel better and fill the stomach. I ordered some sauce free pasta and bread for dinner. Hopefully she will be able to eat more this evening and get her digestive tract activated.

She said me, "have you put a prayer request out on the blog to have the nausea stop?" I said I have but will do so again.

Dr Hoh came in this afternoon and said he will discharge when she can eat solid foods, he didnt care about pooping so much but she definately has to eat solid foods and keep them down.
12:20 PM

Hey everyone. Holly has been up on her own three times this morning. PT came by and helped her walk to the end of the hall and back. She was tired after that and is now sleeping. She has extreme nausea, her food intake today has been two saltine crackers and a ginger ale. She has to poop before she can leave and obviously a cracker will not be enough. So they increased her anti-nausea meds and are changing her percocet to toradol to see if that helps and will still take care of the pain.

Pray for: nausea to get better, for her to be able to eat, and for that hospital discharging poop to occur. I know that seems like a strange thing to pray for, however, everything I put on the blog and you all pray for has happened, God is listening to your prayers!
9:30 AM

Hey bloggers, sorry for my lack of recent blogging. Holly had a great afternoon yesterday, she was sitting up and awake for 5+ hours. She was worn out after that and had jello for dinner and went to sleep. I went to a friends house and slept well, I feel so much better. I arrived at 8AM and Holly is really nauseated. She has taken anti-nausea meds several times but not helping. The nurse says it is caused by the pain meds. She has to eat solid foods before she can be discharged. They sent eggs, bacon, biscuit, and rock hard oatmeal this morning. I dont blame her for not wanting to eat it. I will request another meal before lunch with some not so heavy solid foods. I thought they would start with toast and jelly or something not bacon. I am back and will keep you updated. They still say discharge tomorrow but she has to eat.



God is great!!! I had to sleep and went to Franks house (another UF professor) and slept for a few hours and showered. Along the way Ann's car broke down, so I made a detour to the Acura repair shop. The shuttle driver brought me back to the hospital and when I arrived Holly was awake, had no drain tubes, was walking with minor assistance, and she is still awake and doesnt want any more pain meds. I knew the major source of head pain was those drain tubes, I have purposely not discussed them with you all. So Praise God, she is making major progress and has been reading the blog and has talked to the kids. An amazing change from 7 AM.

About the drain tubes, Holly has he sense of humor back, her quote, "I would rather have had natural child birth three times than to have to endure that again", and she said it with a big smile. They pulled tubes from under the skin and gave her six stitches without any local anesthetic. I can't image having stiches in my scalp with no local, and on top of that pulling of the tubes. But the level of improvement she has experienced once they were out is incredible.

For those friends of Holly's from the brain forum who are still considering having surgery let me tell you have surgery and get it repaired. The halls of three floors of this hospital are filled with patients with ruptured aneurysms and related problems who are alive but will never function again. The stories are all similar. Thank you God for giving Holly all the signs to find this and get it fixed.
7:30 AM

She had a good restful night, the night nurses were excellent and did a very good job caring for Holly. A young neurosurgeon just came by and said later today he would remove the drain tubes. This has to be contributing to the pain, trust me. She is nauscious from the pain meds. She is to continue to get up as much as possible today. The doc will leave specific directions with the nurses.

Prayer requests: the tubes come out with no major pain, she reaches a point of rapid recovery soon, she is able to eat more today to gain strength, please pray for my strength and health because I am feeling run down and have a scratchy throat.


10:30 PM

New shift of nurses, totally different environment. They must have been short a head nurse last shift. The nurses are on top of her pain meds, she has been to the bathroom two times. She is much more coherent. Dr. Hoh came by and said tomorrow he may take the drain tubes out. I know they are a major source of pain. When I ask her to show me where the pain is she points to the tubes. He said she is doing everything according to schedule and he expects a Fri or Sat discharge. He spoke to the nurses about managing her pain and getting exercise tomorrow. I feel so much better when there are caring nurses who are aware of who Holly is and what her needs are. Good night. Thank you all for your love, God bless.
6:10 PM

I just chewed the nurse out. She realized that she had screwed up and couldn't defend herself. She told me that she would arrange for the floor coordinator to come by, I told her to please do so. Good news is Holly went 5.75 hours without pain meds. The patient care assistant finally helped me out, she came into the room and did a sonogram of her bladder and said oh you are full we are going to catheterize you again. I said no, Holly said I want to get up and go to the bathroom, the PCA's jaw almost hit the floor, she said lets try use a bed pan then she looked at me and I said you heard her she wants to get up and go pee. She okayed it with the nurse and Holly got up on her own and walked to the bathroom, went pee, walked back to the bed, and looked at the PCA and said now can I have my pain meds. I think the PCA almost passed out, she couldn't believe Holly just did it. I will be glad when the new nurse comes on at 7 PM. The PCA now knows Holly and the new nurse will meet me soon, hopefully the nurse will be more responsive to Holly's needs.
4:45 PM

Been in this unit for three hours, have seen the nurse for 10 seconds, there are alot of rooms and alot of people hussling and bussling but no one to see Holly. They told me the visiting hours are over at 9PM. If they try to remove me without showing me that they can care for Holly more frequently than they have thus far, they better get security. She has been in la la sleep all day. It has been 4.75 hours since last pain meds, she said my head hurts and then went out again a few minutes ago. Obviously the staff is spread thin.
2:45 PM

Holly was just moved into the adult medical surgery unit, they call it the 6500 unit. She is in a semi private room and I have requested for a private room so I can stay in the room at night with her, but priority is given to those with medical needs. This was the first bed available in the 6500 unit that we just moved into. She had four of seven IVs removed, lost all the monitors except blood oxygen and pulse rate, and they removed the catheter. She is basically in la la land from the pain meds, she has had ice chips and orange juice. I will be happy when the drain tubes in the head can be removed. Still no bruising or swelling because of those drains though. They say she is progressing exactly as expected. Freeman and Ann just left to return to Vero to take care of the children. It is just me, Holly, and you amazing blog readers out there for the next three or four days. Holly is aware of how many of you have visited the blog and is very thankful for your love. I have become aquainted with other patient's families who have had the same procedure today. Interesting they all had headaches as well and were blessed to have the aneurysms fixed before they ruptured. Funny the doctors all insist mild headaches and other symptoms have nothing to do with the aneurysm.
12:10 PM

I have been to the hotel and slept. They do not allow guests in the NIC unit from 7-11AM because many doctors are making rounds for educational purposes and there is a shift change of nurses. I just checked the blog and there has been over 200 hits since last night. I am sitting here crying and absolutely overwhelmed by all of your love and support. Holly is scheduled to be moved out of intensive care today but there is not a bed available so when one becomes available she will be moved to the neurosurgery department, I am not sure the exact technical name of the department but I know it is on 6th floor.

The nurse said Holly is rested and is still chasing the pain but it is under control. I am not sure what is involved with the next department she goes to. She still has two drains with a little discharge, seven IVs, and about 20 monitor wires so it will have to be pretty intensive. She is aware and completely coherent but in and out of sleep. I am not sure how much she will remember from the last day later on, but she does remember everything right now.

Prayer requests: no infection, continued healing, relief of pain, safe travel for Ann and Freeman, continued protection for the kids.

I thank you all so much for your love and support. I will keep the blog updated as I know more. God Bless!
4:30 AM

Holly has had a restful night. I have made sure the pain meds were given every four hours. This last time she awoke right at four hours and the nurse gave them to her. She had a fever of 100.6 at midnight but it was back down to 99.5 at 4AM. The nurse says this is typical and not high enough to think there is an infection. I rested alittle, I am going to the hotel and have Holly's mother and/or brother take over so I can rest some.


8:45 PM

Holly's pain is bad but manageable and is head and back pain, however, it has not required additional morphine. She is taking two big percocets every four hours, however she is asking for another one after 2.5 hours. The nurses say for 24 hours post-op unfortunately we can only chase pain, after that time usually we can stay ahead of it. They could give more pain meds but then she would have trouble answering all of their questions and sensory tests every hour. The new nurse is from Louisville KY and is here for 12 hours, she is young but is really good.

I was astonished by the incision when I first saw it. I assumed it would be covered with bandages but it is not. It consists of 35 staples and is about 6 inches long. Her hair was shaved over the center of the forehead to over the ear up only about an inch from her hairline. The incision scar will be covered by hair when it grows back and she will be able to cover it with her bangs in a few days. She has no brusing, little swelling, and she is not even pale. When not asleep, she is coherent, can talk, and can shift herself on the bed alone.

Specific prayer requests: avoiding potential infection, pain control, healing of the wound, no complications.
6:30 PM

I just went to dinner downstairs and when I returned there had been another 55 hits to this site. I dont know who all of you are but thank you and I will keep you informed.

Holly's pain is under control. She is able to take percocet in pill form and this will help her eventually stay ahead of the pain. I am allowed to stay with her all night but will probably go to the hotel late tonight to get rest for the days to come. She is in very good care here. The neurosurgery intensive care department is an incredible place. There is a nurse for every two rooms, the nurses desk is outside the doors and there is a window so they can see the numerous monitors in each room while standing at their desk. There are two full time neurosurgeons on staff 24/7 who are constantly going in between rooms. There are also many physicians assistants who check her often. I have not had much experience with an intensive care unit, the level of care provided to these patients is incredible. The hall of 30 rooms is filled with patients who have had ruptured aneurysms and related brain issues, I have not seen even one of the other patients out of bed. I am so thankful that this aneurysm was detected and could be treated. I think of the many friends Holly has communicated with on the brain surgery forum and who have also had this procedure and are now living normal lives as Holly will soon. This surgery although invasive, is nothing compared to the long term issues many other patients in this hallway are facing after a rupture. Thank you God! I pray you help heal the other patients and touch their families with your love.
4 PM

We have seen Holly and she knew us. She was in alot of pain and had a morphine shot and some anti-nausea medicine. She is in and out of sleep. We were alot shocked when we entered the room and there were no bandages or wraps. It was definately not what we expected.

The nurses say she is doing exactly as expected and is properly alert and responsive. Every hour they will quiz her to test her mental state. They say by tomorrow they will have her out of bed and sitting up. Usually within 24 hours is when they will move Holly out of neurosurgery intensive care.

This neurosurgery intensive care unit is an incredible department, there must be 30 or so rooms and all are filled with people with brain issues. We are again reminded how thankful we are to have found this before it ruptured. Many families in this units waiting room have been here for days and even weeks. They are sleeping and living in the waiting room with belongings spread all over. Most are here for ruptured aneurysms and everyone has a story which landed their love ones in here for extended periods of time.

I put a counter on the website to see how many people actually visited this blog. There were 425 visitors today. I am humbled and thank you for all of your love, prayers, and support.
1 PM

Dr. Hoh just called and he said everything went perfect and there were no complications. She is being transported to recovery and we can see her in about an hour. Praise God!

Finally. She is doing fine and they are putting the dressing on. The surgeon will be down soon to talk to us. Praise God!!!

No word... Keep the faith!!!
11:10 EST

Holly went into surgery as planned at 7:56AM. We were told we would have an update in 2.5 to 3 hours. It has now been 3 hours and no update. I will post again to let everyone know when we hear something.
One last entry before the journey to the hospital this morning. I am to arrive at 6am and prepare to have surgery within 1-2 hours. I was told yesterday to expect 4-6 hours in surgery and then immediately to ICU. I will be monitored around the clock by the doctors in ICU and will be awakened every hour and bombarded with questions "who are you" "who is the president" etc. I sure hope I pass the test:) The nurse told me not to expect to remember anything about the first 24 hours. Cortney will not be allowed to stay in ICU over night so he will return to the hotel in the evening.

I awoke at 3 am this morning with much fear and apprehension and as Cortney and I lay and prayed, it was all washed away. Jeremiah 29:11 playing in my head "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future". Also, my fav Jeremiah 17:7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. whose condfidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out it roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; it leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

For now, I will sign off and thank each of you for your continued prayers and well wishes. For all you early risers, PRAY PRAY PRAY. Pray for the doctors and nurses, for Cortney and my family as they wait through those long hours and pray for my babies and their safety as we are away. Cortney will be in touch as he is updated. Remember, surgery at 8am. That's 7am for all you central time zone people! In Him, Holly


We have arrived in Gainesville and have completed the pre-op procedure. The surgery is the first scheduled in the morning, 8AM. She will check in at 6AM. I will post more later and keep you all updated.


We have had a crazy, busy day. Trying to tie up all the loose ends and make sure all is in order. I know many have called and left messages or e-mailed and we have not replied but we have been overwhelmed with the last minute "panics." We are leaving for Gainesville at 8 am in the morning and picking up my brother along the way at Orlando International Airport. I have my pre-op appointments at 2pm and 3:30pm. Currently the surgery is scheduled for 8:30am on Tuesday but that is yet to be confirmed. We will have final confirmation after 7pm tomorrow night. We will update after we have a definite time.


I am now 3 days to surgery and counting. I have been asked by a friend to give a few more updates. So, I sit here thinking of recent happenings. God has truly blessed me with a calmness and peace about this procedure and the outcome. This being said, I have decided to reflect on a few prior incidents that I have not revealed in the blog. These incidents are just a few more testimonies to God's awesome hand in this series of events.

During Christmas Eve service at our church I had a brief dizzy spell and actually blacked out for a few seconds. I visited the doctor in January and he ordered many different tests on my heart, all coming back great. I think back now that God probably was starting the process at that point but realized the doctor attributed the blackout to the heart and not the head, so He gave me the headaches :-) On top of these signs is probably the craziest! Are you ready for this?!?!

I have realized that along with age, as most of you know, comes a little extra weight and less exercise. I joined a local gym that has been in the area for 50 years! I joined on a Monday and worked out every day that week. I worked out early morning, many times never seeing another person. The following Monday I arrived at the gym ready to work out and was told the gym burned down over the weekend. They stated it would be about one month to open. I called at one month and was told they "ran into unexpected difficulties" , the opening delayed indefinitely. It was in the paper yesterday the gym will be reopening June 9 "rain, sleet or snow". I will be driving to Gainesville that day for pre-op. There's NO chance I will visit the gym. Coincidence?? I don't think so. The only order my doctor gave me was not to over exert myself until surgery time. Thanks God for burning down the gym so I wouldn't over exert and rupture "bubbles" the annie!!

By the way, Cortney and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary today. Together for 15 years!


As the surgery nears I ask that each of you pray specifically for Dr. Hoh and that God guide his hands. Also, please pray for Cortney and the kids. The kids will be taken care of by many incredible church friends during our stay in Gainesville, but they will miss their mommy and daddy and be confused and out of their normal routine. Also, Cortney will have my mom and brother with him in the hospital on Monday and during surgery on Tuesday. However, if all goes well, they will drive back to Vero on Wednesday, leaving Cortney in the hospital alone. They must come back to Vero to help provide for the kids. Please pray special strength for Cortney! Thanks to all who have provided words of comfort and encouragement. Many have asked how to help and my response would be to go to the Lord on my behalf and my families behalf! He is able!
By the way: I have not had a headache (that particular type) since the day I visited my doctor and he ordered the CT scan!!! God speaks!!!!!


June 2, We have elected to have the clipping surgery on June 10 at Shands in Gainesville. We go June 9 for pre-op and have surgery in the morning of June 10. The surgery: Open brain surgery has prevailed as the choice for my circumstances. This will involve making a 2 inch in diameter incision above the right ear, go through the skull, carefully separate the brain to reach the aneurysm. A titanium clip will then be placed on the aneurysm. Hence, the "clipping" procedure. I will spend 24 hours in the neurological ICU and then with God's grace be moved out of ICU to the neurological hospital room. I anticipate a 3-5 day hospital stay and have been informed to have extra help for one month. My brother will be arriving from TN on Monday June 9 and will visit through June 16. June 16 my sister-in-law from Alaska will visit to provide care through June 30.

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