
I have been amazed how many friends have called, e-mailed or dropped by after reading the blog about Lucie, our new puppy. It is so incredible that you all continue to keep up with my progress and our family! I am happy that you enjoy reading the blog and I hope to keep you more updated. Here goes...

Cortney traveled to Gainesville on Tuesday to receive an award for Superior Accomplishmets. He was nominated by the Director of the research center where he works. On Wednesday, the Director of the School of Forest Resources and Conservation visited Ft.Pierce from Gainesville for Cortney's annual review. He is so busy and continues to put his all into his aquaculture endeavors. The same day, Sydney had Focus Day at Maitland Farm, her preschool. Brogan and I attended and had a fun time catching lady bugs, feeding the farm animals, riding trikes, making crafts, looking at the gardens, etc. After focus day the three of us visited Spencer's class to teach a Math Superstars lesson. It was a busy and fun filled day. Upon arriving home in the afternoon we were greated by a massive swarm of bees that were trying to take up residence in our walls. YIKES!!! Thankfully, we have a great entomologist friend who battled the bees and scared (or killed) them away!! Today was school for all three kids in the morning and a grocery trip for me, then kid pick up, lunch and Sydney's gymnastics. Tomorrow TGIF!!!! Sydney, Brogan and I plan to visit Addy, Syd's best friend, mid morning and go swimming. Spencer will have baseball practice at 7pm and then Saturday is clean-up day at his school. Yes, in between it all we are walking Lucie and giving her LOTs of puppy playtime. The kids continue to be over the top about her. I hope to get pictures of Lucie posted soon. We are having slight computer problems with pictures but hope to have it worked out in the near future.

Everyone enjoy the weekend!!!


Happy St. Patrick's Day

It has been a long time since the last post. That is because I am doing so well that I suddenly never stop, plus our computer has been on the blink for some time. Since we last spoke Cortney and I had the privilege of visiting Seattle. He had an aquaculture conference and it just so happened that my aunt was going to be visiting from New Hampshire and volunteered to keep the kids for us. Awesome! We had a wonderful time and it was a much needed trip away from the kids, husband/wife time. Seattle is a beautiful and very fun city and I look forward to visiting again. The week after we arrived home, my brother, sister-in-law and 6 month old nephew Kolby came to visit. They stayed for a week and we had a really good time.

The kids are busy as usual. Spencer's baseball season began tonight with the first practice. Sydney is still in gymnastics and Brogan loves his TOT class and got to play with green shaving cream today. He was a mess when I arrived to pick him up.

Last, but not least! It seems just when I am getting control of my brain again, I lose it. We adopted a new puppy last week. Lucie was adopted from the humane society and is basically a mutt. They labeled her a "boxer mix." She is suppose to be 11 months old but I am not sure she is that old. I think her puppy ways are much more fun and funny to the kids than me. Imagine that!!! It has been crazy around here for a week but I think she is going to be a great dog. We are going to be having a basic obedience class on Thursday and go from there. The kids love her so much. Our previous dog, Beamish, was 15 years old and we had to have him put to sleep 2/14/08. The kids longed for a new dog since that day. So, here we go again.

I hope everyone out in cyper space is doing great. Hope to hear from you soon. All my love!!