
Great news from Gainesville on the June 11 check-up. Following the CT scan with contrast, Dr. Hoh reports NO new aneurysms and that the clip is in perfect position with no new growth around it! The best news we could receive. He stated that the further away from surgery I get, the less chances that a new aneurysm will develop. While waiting for the CT scan and then again in the doctors waiting room, I spoke to the funniest and nicest man who was back for his 2 year clip check-up and also to a lady who was back for a 6 month check-up. We all share the same doctor and our aneurysms are all in very similar spots. We compared scars, hair growth and side effects. It was really nice to talk to others that have been through similar experiences. I truly have a desire to begin a support group in the Treasure Coast area for aneurysm survivors as well as caregivers of aneurysm survivors. I will be in prayer about this and see what opportunities God provides.

To celebrate my one year "annie"versary I purchased a basket that I filled with crackers, chocolates, food, food, food, toothbrushes, toothpaste, playing cards, tissues, gum, etc. Cortney and I delivered the basket along with a note to the neurosurgery ICU. This is the waiting room where Cortney, Mom and Freeman waited for me and spent 48 hours. Cortney was so touched by his experience during this time and it has truly affected him more than he even knows. There was a lady in the waiting room when we visited whose husband has been there for 31 days and she is not sure when he will be leaving the ICU. He had a brain bleed that led to many other problems. She was so touched by the basket as were the others with loved ones there. We all talked about God and His mighty love and power and had a good cry together. Please keep families with ill loved ones in your prayers daily. We all too often get caught up in our daily stresses and forget the pain and troubles so many are going through.

I mowed the lawn yesterday and took the kids swimming and this morning I ran 2.4 miles. I am feeling great!! Go out and enjoy someone today! Peace and Love.


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