
I am improving more and more every day. I have experienced some intense depression and even worse than depression, anxiety. Open brain surgery suddenly brings you face to face with a mortal life. Then, one month later to be diagnosed with the most fatal form of skin cancer kinda tops the "mortal life" cake. I experienced panic attacks that many times would have sent me to the hospital, if not for my dear level headed husband who would step in and reassure me that it was only panic and I was going to be fine. I am happy to say that the depression is almost completely gone. Thanks be to God, as I have prayed and prayed to be released from the holds of depression. Also, the panic attacks are MUCH better and less. I am now seeing them for what they are and can involve myself in activity to rechannel my thoughts. Thanks to all of you for your prayers. I will soon be able to report my new "normal" has been reached. Holly is returning!!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Hi Holly! and Happy New Year to the Ohs Family! I'm so glad to hear that you are getting back on track. God bless you and yours - and know that you are never far from our minds and hearts. Hugs to the little ones! Love,
The MceElroy's of Kennesaw